Case Study: Website Now Loads Twice as Fast!

Technical SEO is tricky. Many of the factors used to give you a score on how well you’re doing don’t matter that much from the practical standpoint of the user, and thus don’t have a huge impact on search rank. In fact, if you look up many of the top sites in the world, they don’t meet the metrics supposedly required for good technical SEO.

How silly is it? Google’s site doesn’t even meet the company’s own standards! So take all technical SEO advice with a grain of salt.

That being said, there are some important things to pay attention to. One of the biggest? Load time.

Recently, a client was having some real trouble with people getting their page to load quickly. But in just three billed hours of work…

The end result?

…we were able to cut their time almost in half. That’s something users (and Google) definitely noticed!