Case Study: The SEO Value of Refreshing Old Website Content

Regularly publishing new blogs is a cost-effective way to optimize your site for search engines. But if you’ve been at it for a while, there may be another even more cost-effective strategy: going back and refreshing old website content.

How does this work?

There’s More Than One Way to Make Content “Fresh”

Google prefers “fresh” content. So that means your older posts are at a disadvantage.

Plus, if your content is years old, it was optimized for older SEO standards.

But it’s likely much of that older content is still totally relevant. And it will take less time (and money!) to update than it would to create a whole new post.

Here are results from a blog post “refresh” we did for a client.

Their monthly clicks from the blog post almost doubled, and their impressions more than doubled.


Blog Post 1



And here’s another. This time their total clicks more than doubled, and their total impressions almost tripled!

Blog Post 2

Bottom Line? Refreshing Old Website Content Works

It’s a strategy that just makes sense for businesses who have been working at SEO for a while. Why not get more value out of content you’ve already created?

If you’re interested in refreshing old website content for your business — or learning other ways to raise your digital marketing game — don’t hesitate to get in touch.