Case Study: Technical SEO Is a Long-Term Project

Has it been a few years since your website was designed? It may be time to take a peek at how it’s currently performing.

When a website is first created, it’s optimized for its current content and by current standards. 

But over time, “current” becomes outdated. Why?

Because new content is added. WordPress theme developers make updates. Google changes its standards. And technology is released.

So it’s important that you keep your website up-to-date. 

On a bi-weekly or monthly basis, this means running backups and updates. But semi-annually or annually, it’s also worth the investment to have more checks run on your site to see what can be optimized for SEO from a technical standpoint.

Here are results from a recent Technical SEO audit we completed for a therapist client that took less than three hours of billed time to achieve since his site was regularly maintained on a monthly basis.