Ready to Go But Not Sure Where to Start?

Small business owners are idea people.

You have the skills. You have the vision. You have the passion.

But narrowing your ideas down into a specific plan of action can be challenging.

A brand strategy can help.

A Solid Brand Strategy Is a Road Map

It provides clarity on where you are now, where you are going, and how to get there.
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And Your Brand Strategy Can Support More Than Your Marketing

It can also help you see when you’ve gone off track.

So you can course correct, either changing the path or the destination.

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And you can show this road map to others — employees, freelancers, business coaches.

So they can quickly understand the path you’re on and join your journey, saving you time and energy.

Without this map, you’re flying blind.

That can lead to confusion in all aspects of your business. And it can particularly damage the effectiveness of your marketing.

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"Really helpful to work through refining this with someone else. We needed that!”

– Live in Place Designs

Your Small Business Brand Strategy

  1. You go through guided branding exercises with us on a Zoom call.
  2. We use that info to develop your brand guide and a marketing plan.
  3. Together, we’ll implement the strategy, assess the results, and “course-correct” when needed!

In the end, you’ll have clarity about the path ahead and feel ready for the next steps.